Hope in the contexts of urban regeneration
Erfanain Salim M 2018, Chief-Editor note, Haftshahr,No. 59-60, fall & winter 2017-2018
Hope in the contexts of urban regeneration Read More »
Erfanain Salim M 2018, Chief-Editor note, Haftshahr,No. 59-60, fall & winter 2017-2018
Hope in the contexts of urban regeneration Read More »
Erfanain Salim M Quality of life is a broad and complex concept that is influenced by social, cultural, economic, physical, and spatial factors. This article examines the role of women’s management in increasing the quality of urban life. The quality of life is evaluated in two ways: first, based on a person’s subjective and objective
The Role of Women Management in Increasing the Quality of Urban Life Read More »
Erfanain Salim M Iran has many tourism assets in its cities which can be developed by place branding and destination marketing. Anousheh Street in the Lashkar Abad neighborhood of Ahwaz shows good practice in this field. It is a dynamic and active public space in a tourism context that has become well-known in spite of
The government’s response to the challenges of inefficiency in cities starts in the years after World War II and the formal formation of urban planning knowledge in universities. This has evolved in a process arising from global changes and evolution in ideas, methods, and techniques until today and has reached an approach called urban regeneration.
Chief-Editor note, Abadi Read More »
Erfanain Salim M Urban regeneration policies in Iran have been formed to improve the quality of urban life. These policies, concerning local characteristics, emphasize the improvement and renovation of urban tissues. One of the main goals of these policies is to improve the quality of urban life, which in practice is often measured by quantitative
Mona Erfanian Salim Kish Island is one of the most important sea and beach recreational holiday and tourism destination in Iran. As a Small Island, Kish Island‘s current development and tourism practices may not be sustainable in the longer term. Small Islands are supposed to follow sustainable tourism principles through balancing between environmental and economic
Selecting Principles of Sustainable Tourism in Small Island Developing for Kish Island Read More »
Ali Afshar, Mona Erfanian Salim This paper studies the assumed relationship between tourists’ needs and the concept of happy city in the urban open public space (UOPS) in Kish Island as the most favorite tourism destination of Iran in the Persian Gulf. The main research question is “how answering to the tourists’ needs in UOPS
Mona Erfanian Salim Today, urban open spaces play a key role in meeting tourists’ needs while urban tourism is one of the most important types of tourism in the world. In a sustainable order, to meet tourists’ needs in an urban open space, it is essential to describe tourist needs theories in detail based on
Mona Erfanian Salim Despite the economic importance of tourism for communities, its negative impacts have caused a general agreement on the essential of “sustainable tourism development” in recent decades. Meanwhile, along with the increase in intellectual claims of urban development, urban design is becoming more fascinating in this field, and it sets in the concerns
Urban Tourism-Urban Open Public Space: An Opportunity for Sustainable Tourism Read More »
Erfanain Salim M., Afshar A “Bani Adam” is a piece of poetry by Saadi, a famous Iranian poet in the 13th century, who won the title of one of the songs in the eighth album of the British band Coldplay, entitled Everyday Life, due to its human-friendly theme in 2019. This poem is declamated into
Bani Adam (Children of Adam) Read More »