Mona Erfanian Salim
Today, urban open spaces play a key role in meeting tourists’ needs while urban tourism is one of the most important types of tourism in the world. In a sustainable order, to meet tourists’ needs in an urban open space, it is essential to describe tourist needs theories in detail based on the empirical data analysis for different contexts. This paper attempts to develop “Maslow’s Human Needs Hierarchy Models” in interfacing between urban design and tourism knowledge. From a literature survey, the study focuses on two bodies of knowledge in parallel. Pearce and his colleagues found the “Travel Career Ladder” (TCL) in Mallow’s theory, whereas Lang interprets the theory to design urban space. Subsequently, in order to establish a conceptual framework, the study applies a comparative analysis to show an intersection between both approaches. The conceptual framework in relation to the tourists’ needs is also developed based on the three major contexts: theoretical, traditional, and current. It takes Kish Island in the south of Iran as the case where it is assumed to enhance the public zones due to its current plans of development. Eventually, this paper indicates some linkages between sustainable urban development and sustainable tourism in a tourism destination. It also illustrates the importance of effective collaboration between different professionals and disciplines for integrating knowledge across a sector. Therefore, the output of the research can help to apply urban design as a multi-discipline vehicle for the objectives of sustainable tourism. This paper indicates some linkages between sustainable urban development and sustainable tourism in a tourism destination. It also illustrates the importance of effective collaboration between different professionals and disciplines for integrating knowledge across a sector.
Keywords: Human needs hierarchy models, urban design, urban tourism
2020, The 6th International Conference of Euro-Asia Studies Association (EATSA), Sardinia, Italy