Mona Erfanian Salim
Since stories play important roles in human experiences, they can guide the design of different dimensions of tourists’ experiences. Meanwhile, some scholars display a significant relationship between the story and the city. In this view, the story of city contains events and memories that change the face of the city over time. Thus, the city enters the public memory of the people. The people who were there in the past, now, and future. This meaningful relationship can be used as a valuable tool in urban tourism planning. Urban tourism is a term describing multiple tourist activities in which city is main destination and place of interest. This form of tourism is relatively old and very complex. So it is important to know about people experiences in the city in order to recognize why they are attracted to visit some cities. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the rise of the story of the city in urban tourism plans. It examines the main themes relevant to stories of the city and tourist experience in the city, identifies the forces that are supporting and directing this story, and mentions tourism researchers to pay greater attention to this new development. The study is based on a general review of academic and professional literature on tourism plans in relation to the story of the cities. It explores some linkage between the city story and the features of urban tourism. The results can be applied to improve urban planning and tourism planning in tourist destination cities. Keywords: story of the city, urban tourism, planningg.
2021, the 7th International Conference of Euro-Asia Studies Association (EATSA), University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan