Quality query; A Cultural Flow in a National Scale

Quality query; A Cultural Flow in a National Scale

Erfanain Salim M.

In the rapid process of development of cities, the concept of quality is a missing gap in all aspects of urban life. The ever-increasing trend of people towards urban life and, as a result, distancing themselves from natural, dynamic, and creative processes, has turned the decline in the quality of human life into a serious challenge. Iranian cities are also experiencing the loss of their quality values with a significant acceleration. Paying attention to this issue puts forward the question of what and how quality is in the current life of the city. It cannot be achieved except by establishing a close relationship with all stakeholders in shaping and planning urban areas, including politicians, professionals, and most importantly, the people. In this direction, it was necessary to start a cultural stream to identify and evaluate the impact of regeneration programs and measures on the quality of urban life. The event “The National Quality Award for Urban Regeneration Practices” was held to identify and appreciate the experiences that have been able to have an obvious and tangible effect on improving the quality of life in the city. In this event, the best experiences are the activities that, with proper management and initiative, have remained faithful to the sustainable development framework in their plan with the maximum use of social participation and natural resources. This event pursues two main objectives: 1) to provide a situation to recognize successful regeneration practices affecting the quality of life of citizens; and 2) to create an opportunity for dialogue and learning for people, experts, and managers. In the first year, the planning of the main effort was based on improving the theoretical foundations of the topic, i.e. the concept of quality of urban life. In this regard, this issue of Haftshahr magazine was dedicated to the reflection of the achievements and theoretical and experimental results of this event in the first year, in addition to documenting and recording its findings and making it possible to criticize and examine more in the specialized field Provide related.

2015, Chief-Editor note, Haftshahr, No.51-52, Fall & Winter 2015

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